Thursday, December 18, 2008

Probably the Best Song Ever...

Hatredcopter by Dethlok
I fly hatrocoptic monster,
I am captain,
evil stomper,
I get to wear big black helmet,
I pilot the hatredcopter!
I fly the beast made of steel,
Tin monster,
crumple light,
Gas tank is filled with vengeance,
Machine that you despite,
Can't find the thing that makes this,
Thing take a hard turn right,
I follow where it leads me,
Prepare to greet our might,
You, will most likely die,By the hands of my arm,
When I come and fly,
And take over your face,
With the front of my hatredcopter,
I fly hatrocoptic monster,
I am captain,
evil stomper,
I get to wear big black helmet,
I pilot the hatredcopter!
I fly the hatredcopter,
I'm going to hunt you down,
I came with lots of money,
For all the monkeys paw,
Can't seem to find the button,
That turns the radio off on,
Can't work the hatredcopter,
I'm hoping you respond,
I, am likely to find,
From my fears that you'll fly,
That I will be fired for not killing you,
Cause that is my job,
Hatredcopter,You, will most likely die,By the hands of my arm,When I come and fly,
And take over your face,
With the front of my hatredcopter,
(guitar solo)
Hatredcoptor (x 8)


Have you ever felt completely out of place because of your race or gender? Or maybe just because you didn't know anybody? I'm sure we all have.

When I was 12 I went to visit my cousins down in Memphis for a few weeks during the summer. One day, My aunt decided that they were going to take me downtown to get the full experience of Memphis and how cool it was since I had never been there.

Now, those of you who know, I am superrrr white, like, even pasty sometimes. And Memphis...well Tennessee in general, is dominately black. That's just how it is, not a big deal.

My aunt thought it would be cool if we took the trolly around downtown, which seemed cool because I had never been on a trolly. So as soon as we get on the trolly it's very obvious that we are the only white people on the thing. We stood out worse then a sore thumb, I kid you not.

There wasn't even anywhere to sit so we had to stand in the middle of so many black people who I could feel judging me, it was very uncomfortable...

But it was soon okay because then two Asian got on who looked ridiculously more out of place then us. The safari hat, the palm Hawaiian t-shirt, the fannypack..."HI! We're from Springfield!"

It was hilarious then, but still slightly uncomfortable because I knew I couldn't laugh. =)

My Take On "Wasted"

Wasted By Cartel:
So this was Lindsey's Cool Writing Project, and I just thought that there was more depth then what was said.
Now Lindsey thought that this was just one story about one man's life in particular, which could be extremely true, but I was thinking something different.
It seems to me that the first verse is about three different people. Each one gets their lives taken way so quickly that it doesn't seem fair in any way. Each person had so much going for them and then their precious life is taken so unfairly from them each.
Then the chorus that we're all so wasted explains how their lives were wasted because they could've accomplished so much more.
The second verse is about three people who are similar to the first three, but they aren't the same.
They have their lives but aren't happy with their lives. Either they're being treated unfairly, aren't being noticed/appreciated, or are just simply unhappy.
The chorus wasted proves the point that these people are getting cheated out of happiness which is making them waste important parts of their life.
The third verse is different to me. The first stanza refers back to the 7 year old, the second stanza back to the 18 year old who wanted to move out, and the 3rd is the narrator wondering if his life will end up the same.
Overall, I think the term 'wasted' points out that some of us who are given the gift of life take it for granted. Some people don't realize how easily bad things can happen to you, just like the people in the first verse.
This song is sad, but don't let it be the theme of your life!
Don't take life for granted or you'll waste it.

Monday, December 8, 2008


So yes, we have been talking about censorship this past week.

In class, we got into groups and were asked whether or not we supported it. Some said absolutely not and some said censorship is okay to some extent. But nobody said they agreed with it.

Can you imagine book burnings? What if our government censored everything they believed deemable to censorship? Would they censor something like Twilight, or the Bible. Think about how crazy that would be!

It makes me think of this book, Fahrenheit 451. The book was all about censorship by the government, and the ironic part about it was that during the time the book was written, it was actually censored...hahahaha...sorry, that's so ridiculous!

I think censorship can be an extent, like the majority of the class. Even though it really is up to the parents to make sure their kids are sheltered from scarring things such as Janet Jackson's boob, those things also come out of no where and surprise us.

When I was little we didn't have cable, and for a while we didn't even have a tv. I very much enjoyed playing outside and forcing my older brother to play Barbies with me and don't think that I missed out on anything.

So when it comes to censorship, please keep your nudity, over the top language, and extreme gore off of cable tv...but please don't take away our books or resources available to the public.

Thank you!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Absurdist Moment with Aleesha


So the day after Thanksgiving my family went out to dinner for my grandparents anniversary. My younger sister and I drove with our aunt and uncle and my parents drove with our grandparents.
We went to a nice Italian restuarant and everything was just fantastic.

When we were all done stuffing ourselves with over-priced, Americanized Italian food, we said our goodbyes and started heading back to the car.

I guess my sister and I weren't paying very close attention. We walked ahead of our uncle and were about to get in the car, he had his keys out like he had clicked the button and opened the doors for us so we got in. When he tried opening the driver's side door, though, it wouldn't open. He thought his unlock button just wasn't working.

My sister and I were already to go and sitting in the car waiting for our aunt when it's taking abnormally long for them to get aunt starts walking away from the car and my unlce follows. Suddenly my sister asks, "Are we in the wrong car?" I said, "Of course not! That's crazy!"

Well...we were! It was so ironic. We jumped out and slammed the doors behind us, we were pretty freaked out.

It was just so strange that the car we chose to go to happened to be unlocked and only the back doors too. My unlce even thought it was the right car until my aunt came along. We just couldn't get over the fact of how perfectly the car led us on. It was so strange.