So yes, we have been talking about censorship this past week.
In class, we got into groups and were asked whether or not we supported it. Some said absolutely not and some said censorship is okay to some extent. But nobody said they agreed with it.
Can you imagine book burnings? What if our government censored everything they believed deemable to censorship? Would they censor something like Twilight, or the Bible. Think about how crazy that would be!
It makes me think of this book, Fahrenheit 451. The book was all about censorship by the government, and the ironic part about it was that during the time the book was written, it was actually censored...hahahaha...sorry, that's so ridiculous!
I think censorship can be an extent, like the majority of the class. Even though it really is up to the parents to make sure their kids are sheltered from scarring things such as Janet Jackson's boob, those things also come out of no where and surprise us.
When I was little we didn't have cable, and for a while we didn't even have a tv. I very much enjoyed playing outside and forcing my older brother to play Barbies with me and don't think that I missed out on anything.
So when it comes to censorship, please keep your nudity, over the top language, and extreme gore off of cable tv...but please don't take away our books or resources available to the public.
Thank you!
Killing us softly. Really softly.
14 years ago
I agree with you on this. I definetly think that information should never be kept from people want to obtain it. I think it is completely insane that a few certain people can say that we aren't "allowed" to read something, or watch something.
I agree. I don't need to see that kind of nasty on the telly. That's gross.
I also agree on the book thing. We should be able to read whatever we want to read. Good choice.
furtis--no definition yet, but it's gonna be a good one
anesal--no definition yet (I had to refresh the page because I forgot to sign in)
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