Be skinny or nobody will love youuuu!!! ARGHHH!
Sure, girls are passive, but girls are supposed to be sexy and quiet (sometimes maybe) and elegant (not so much these days...more like revealing but whatever). My point is, is that in a way, I don't really care how some women are portrayed in the media.
If you pay attention like how that lady in the video during class analyzed every detail of every provocative or sexual ad, then maybe women are being demoralized.
But guess what, your every day woman is not like ANY of these ad girls. Seriously. And they're not being demoralized. They're standing up for themselves and fighting for independence, equality, and living their own life how they very well please to live it. If anything, us young women should look at these ads and be glad that we're nothing like them! We're not selling ourselves short, lacking intelligence in place of "beauty", not being unable to eat what we want. We're being who we want to be, making our own decisions (even dieting ones!) and are all beautiful in a unique, non-plastic way! We should embrace our differences and individuality from each other, not critique why somebody else is better than us. Because odds are, we're much happier than 99% of those models.
Think about it. You can't eat what you want, you're constantly hit on & treated like a piece of meat, demoralized like I mentioned before, and men are drooling over you. But they're not drooling in a good sense, they're drooling as if they'd be the ones to be gone in the morning after they got you to sleep with them, and leave without a note or goodbye!
That's nowhere near what I'd ever want for my life. Skinny or fat, imperfections or not I'm going to make a difference in this world. And not by selling myself short of a hairspray bottle or tube of lip gloss.
So please girls, don't feel pressure to look perfect! Embrace who you are and what makes you who you are! It's something those girls in those ads can't do because they're just a pretty face with nothing behind it to it's viewers. Be happy with who you are! Everybody else is! =)

Seriously, ew.
I wouldn't want to look like that!!
Aleesha you're hilarious. =]. That's pretty much all I can say.
Although, you say that everyday women are not anything liek these girls, which is true.
However, there are 1,000 of girls who are trying to be them, and that's where the problem lies.
love you aleesha!
Ohhh Aleesha.
Your right those women are NASTY. but unfortunatley I do think the video was somewhat right, the media has a bigger effect on us that we even realize.
Good post dear!
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